Online-seminar «Kitap okudy zhetildirudin zamanaui adisteri: zhana mumkindikteri»

On September 22 was held there, an online-seminar "Kitap okudy zhetildirudin zamanaui adisteri: zhana mumkindikteri" on the Zoom platform. Modern methods of improving reading: new opportunities", organized by the library development department of the S.Baishev Aktobe regional universal scientific library, which united librarians of the West Kazakhstan region. The event was attended by specialists of libraries of Aktobe, Atyrau, West Kazakhstan, Mangistau regions. In order to promote the work of the library using modern methods and techniques, increase the interest of readers in reading, effective use of the latest technologies, the following reports were heard: "Modern library. Modern librarian", "Reader service-the basis of the library's information space", "Reading and the reader: a new format of the library space", "Librarian and the reader: A stage of new relations", " Modern library: Traditions and innovations", "Oy marzhany-kitap". At the end of the event, the director of the library, Kuralai Serikovna Raimbayeva, thanked those present for their active participation.

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