Book exhibition «Tugan olke tarikhy»

The republican scientific and educational conference «Yrgyz ziyalylary zhane ult tarikhy» was held in Irgiz district. The Department of Local History of oblast library named after S. Baishev has designed a book exhibition «Tugan olke tarikhy». The exhibition consisted of sections: «Tarikhy teren Aktobe», «Biler soylep, batyrlar tu kotergen», «Tarikh torabyndagy tagdyrlar», «Eren enbekpen yeseigen», «Gibrat kyldym keynge», «Madeniyet pen adebiyet mangilik miras», «Olkenin tabigi, tarikhi - madeni muralary».The guests were presented books about the history and nature of the Aktobe region, the works of Aktobe poets and writers, statesmen, as well as a collection of the series «Aktobe kitaphanasy».

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