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The periodicals sector is one of the most visited departments in the regional library.
This is due to the need to get the necessary and useful information as much as possible, as well as to fully and interestingly spend your leisure time watching periodicals. After all, periodicals serve to form public opinion and enable a person to learn everything new and necessary.
Every year, our library subscribes to periodicals by the name of newspapers and magazines, which allows serving various groups of readers. These are students and teachers of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, the creative intelligentsia of the city, as well as students of secondary schools .
To know, study, take into account the opinions and requests of our readers, to promote periodicals is the most important condition for the successful work of the periodical press sector. Therefore, when subscribing, we rely on the opinions and requests of our readers.
For a wide range of readers, there is an annual subscription to the republican national newspapers "Egemen Kazakhstan", "Aikyn", "Altyn Orda" "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda", etc., " they are very popular with readers engaged in course work, as well as with all those who are interested in the latest news of the world.
For economists and financiers, specialized publications "Al Pari", "Banks of Kazakhstan", "Transit Economy", "Securities Market of Kazakhstan", "Finance of Kazakhstan", etc. are of great interest. And the most popular among the active part of the population are the newspapers: "Business Kazakhstan" and "Economy".
Requests of lawyers - arbitration, tax, judicial practice. For them, we subscribe to the magazines "Themis", "Zan", "Legal reform in Kazakhstan", "Bulletin of the Tax Service", "Lawyer" and newspapers: "Zan", "Legal newspaper", etc.
The heads of all structures will learn a lot of interesting things in Kazakhstani publications: "Business Week", "Business Kazakhstan", "Astana", "Regulations on finance, taxes, accounting", " Personnel.Labour.Management" , etc. These publications are intended for a thinking leader whose activities are aimed at developing factors of influence on the development of the economy.
To help accountants and economists, the following magazines are presented: "Accountant's Bulletin", "Accountant's File", "Accountant plus computer", "Accountant and Entrepreneur Library", "Accountant", " Labor. Salary. Pension", "Economy and Law of Kazakhstan", etc.
Information on legal issues, social assistance, advice on compensation payments, pensions can be obtained in the "Bulletin of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Labor and social security issues", "Labor in Kazakhstan", etc.
The subject of special pride of the Institute of Development of Kazakhstan is the periodicals-the quarterly scientific and theoretical journal " Eurasian Community: society, politics, culture "and the monthly information and analytical journal"Sayasat". These magazines cover the problems of domestic and foreign policy, economic, educational, cultural issues, and the connection with the general mentality of the peoples of Eurasia.
For purposeful work on the promotion of the state language, 130 titles of newspapers and magazines in the Kazakh language are in demand among readers. These are almost all publications published in the republic. The following publications will help to study the Kazakh language: "Ana tili", "Kazak adebieti", "Kazak tili men adebieti", "Kazak tili men adebieti orys tilinde"," Til", etc.
Newspapers and magazines are in great demand among teachers and lecturers, graduate students and researchers: "Bulletin of KazSU" with series, "Geographical", "Historical", "Philological", "Ecological", "Psychological", " Political Science. Philosophy", "Legal", "Economic, as well as scientific and methodological journals "Bastauysh mektep", "Biology, geography zhene chemistry", "Kazakh tarikhy", "Kazakhstan zhogary mektebi", "Bilim aleminde", "Education", etc.
Human health is one of the priority tasks of the state. Therefore, newspapers and magazines about health are interesting to everyone who highly values and protects health. These are such as "Physical Culture and sport", "Health-AIF", "Health", "Densaulyk", "Kazakhstan Medical Journal". The most popular Russian magazine "Health", published since 1955, is asked by those who want to remain healthy, kind and active under any circumstances. The Kazakh monthly magazine "Densaulyk" has acquired real loyal friends-readers. The purpose of the publication is useful information for the whole family, expert advice, new developments in the treatment and prevention of diseases.
In our sector of periodicals, you can get not only the necessary information, but also just spend your leisure time with interest to our dear readers. They are addressed to magazines dedicated to a woman-a selfless mother, a loving wife, a caring hostess: "Peasant woman", "Home", "House and interior", "Worker", "Burda", "Season", "Kazakhstan Ayelderi", "Aru ana", etc. The monthly publication "Kazakhstan Ayelderi" contains materials on topical issues of the Kazakh family, women, mother and child.
For real men who are successful in life, all the most asked and favorite publications: "All about hunting in Kazakhstan", "Avtomir", "Sport KZ", "Sport-express", "Kazakh sports", "Football", "Master himself", etc.
The repertoire of children's and youth periodicals has expanded: "¥lan", "Ak-zhelken", "Young naturalist", "Modeler-designer", "Young technician", "Young Artist", "Youth Technique", etc.
Dear our readers, enjoy your reading!
Head of the sector: Alenova Madina Karibozovna
tel.: + 7 705 184 15 28