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The reading room is one of the main departments of the library.
Main tasks: to provide high-quality service to all readers and full satisfaction of requests. The department, which has defined its goal, builds its work taking into account the real needs of users in conditions of freedom of reading, free access to information sources. The fund of the department is 18,000 thousand copies of books and textbooks, reference books for each field of knowledge.
The users of the department's services are: teachers and students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, researchers, journalists, specialists in various fields of knowledge. The library staff helps users to read books, work independently with the book, get the necessary information from various sources, make lists of literature on an individual request.
The department holds cultural events with the participation of readers. Users are very interested in presentations of new books, contests and literary evenings, open areas on various topics, meetings with famous people, in the preparation of which librarians introduce modern technology , new directions. Traditional forms of work are not forgotten either.
The department has a national educational club "Elmura".
Cultural events are supported by representatives of the regional and city administration, representatives of the NDP "NurOtan" organization, TV channels, mass media, members of the "Elmura"club.
In 2020, large book exhibitions were organized : for the 750th anniversary of the state of Altyn Orda "Altyn Orda-Kazakh memlekettiliginin bastauy", for the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory "Umytylmas yerlik , ospes dank!" The idea of the project "Al-Farabi-gibratty galim", dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the famous thinker Abu Nasr al-Farabi, designed to increase interest in his biography and it was implemented, all the work on the project was carried out on the basis of his treatises and works, the stages were completed on time. In particular, a permanent book exhibition on the theme "Al-Farabi-gibratty galim" was organized, a conference hall with a banner was equipped, a republican contest "En uzdik aleumettik post zhariyalau" (The best social post )was announced according to the treatises "Bakytka zhetu" in the social network, the winners were determined. The project was sent to the republican contest "Rukhani Kazyna-2020".
As a result, the AOUNB named after S. Baishev became the winner in the nomination "to the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasir Al-Farabi" (among libraries), received a diploma, a statuette and a monetary reward in the amount of 500,000 tenge
As part of the celebration of the anniversary of independence in 2021, permanent book exhibitions "Elimnin bakytyn Terbetken Tauelsizdik" were equipped, as well as dedicated to significant dates: to the 100th anniversary of the Holodomor in Kazakhstan " Nubet zhyldar shezhiresi:tarikh zhane akikat" and anniversaries of famous figures of Kazakhstan " Kazak tarikhyndagy uly tulgalar.
Our library plans to hold significant mass events dedicated to historical events highlighting important steps on the way and over the years of independence .
Information about the events, a virtual exhibition about the new literature received by the department "Zhana adebietter" will be presented by users on the Instagram page "@baishevabiblioteka".
During the holidays, book exhibitions will be organized in parks and school camps in the framework of the project "Zhazgy Oku Halls" (Summer Reading Room) in the mobile book center, in the summer.
Articles about the cultural events held are published in the periodicals "Aktobe", "Ushkonyr", "Madeniyet", etc.
The reading room faces great tasks and new searches in the fulfillment of the tasks set for the preservation of the historical memory of the younger generation, the formation of patriotic feelings and consciousness based on historical values, the development of spiritual values as a source of knowledge and spirituality
Dear readers!
We invite you to visit our reading room, where we are ready to meet your daily information requests for your comprehensive improvement!
Head of the Department: Akerke Sagidullovna Kaldieva
tel.: +7 702528 85 37