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The department of acquisition, processing of literature and organization of catalogs has existed since the formation of the regional library-since 1932
Main areas of work :
- Systematically replenish the library's book fund with domestic publications, materials about Kazakhstan, foreign literature, literature of the CIS countries in accordance with the requests of readers;
- To provide a universal profile of acquisition, diversity by types, types, languages of publications in various media;
- Effectively implement the republican budget program for the purchase of literature and the purchase of periodicals, focusing on the purchase of publications in the state language.
Main functions:
- Current and retrospective acquisition of the library fund of the library together with other structural divisions of the library;
- Compilation of statistics on the movement of the library fund;
- Organization of work on the main sources of receipt: mandatory free copy, purchase, gift;
- Reception, accounting, registration, technical processing of documents in the WEB-RABIS program of the Cataloger module;
- Improvement of the work on maintaining an electronic catalog under the WEB-RABIS program;
- Working with traditional catalogs, editing;
- Write-off of outdated, dilapidated literature, withdrawal of catalog cards from catalogs.
The library's collection is universal in its composition, more than 316993 documents, including 91496 documents in the state language.
For the 1st half of 2021, 1791 books were received,of which 1108 books were in the state language.
Since 2006, 73752 entries have been entered into the electronic catalog.
Head of the Department: Abdrakhmanova Karashash Azhgerevna
tel.: +7 708 537 79 67