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The position of the project "Деректі мұраны цифрлау"
Description: The Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved the State program "Information Kazakhstan 2020", the project "Деректі мұраны цифрлау" (hereinafter referred to as the Project) was created. Creation of an electronic library consisting of the works of great local writers and poets, acquaintance with life and creativity. The project is also aimed at studying the history of the native land and cultural values. The ongoing project since 2017 is a continuation of the State program "Digital Kazakhstan".
The purpose of the project: An effective and modern way to promote the works and history of the native land, the formation of love for the native land, the education of patriotism and tolerance.
Project Objectives:
The project executors face the following tasks:
- digitization of works and conclusion of a contract with the authors;
- Attracting users' attention to the biographies and works of writers and poets of their native land;
- Formation and development of local history information needs among users;
- popularization of reading literature on local lore;
- provision of information and methodological support to library staff working in the field of "local history";
The main direction of the Project:
Creating a list of local history literature for digitization. Formation and creation of local history literature in electronic format creation of the section "Electronic library of local history literature" on the website and informing users about it.
Research activities.
Project Executors
The initiative to carry out the Project comes directly from the Aktobe Regional Universal Scientific Library named after S.Baishev with the support of the State Institution "Department of Culture, Archives and Documentation of the Aktobe region".
Local historians, historians and users can also take part in the project.
Project Start Date - 2017 Project end date - 2025
Project Manager - Salieva A.K., Kelmagambetova A.V.
Project Rationale: The project was developed within the framework of the Digital Kazakhstan program.
Local history is the main activity of the library, fostering love for the native land and this activity, carried out in various forms, does not lose its relevance. The study of history, knowledge of the literature of local authors contributes to the development of a sense of patriotism, responsibility and love for their region, for their country. The project provides for the education of patriots of their country through reading and a book,
Expected Project results:
The implementation of the Project will allow the library to take its rightful place in the information space for the promotion of local history literature;
engaging users to read and meeting users' information needs;
improving the image of the library.
For more information, please contact the following phone numbers: 8(7132)23-01-09 (ext.113)