«Ymyrttagy kitapkhana - kuzgi kezdesu 2022»

In order to develop librarianship, public relations, professional cooperation, as well as to promote reading and search for innovations in meaningful leisure activities, on October 21, the Aktobe region hosted a socio-cultural event «Ymyrttagy kitapkhana - kuzgi kezdesu 2022».
The «Library Loan» department held a «Poetry Party» in a free format with students who love poetry. The young poets Alikhan Zhaksylyk, the winner in the nomination to them. B. Tazhibaeva and Nurdaulet Kabasov, the winner in the nomination. K. Mukhambetkaliuly. The guests told about themselves, read their poems about love, autumn, nature.  Invited students of the humanitarian and ASU «Tarlan» colleges also recited their favorite poems.
The reference and bibliographic department organized games and quizzes under the general name «Sikyrly sandyk». Guests are invited to answer questions about autumn and not only, as well as sing or read their favorite songs and poems. Prizes awaited connoisseurs and brave participants.
Handicraft lovers at the exhibition-fair «Kuzgi zharmenke» could purchase various products: original national hats, knitwear, jewelry, toys, etc., made by hand.
A series of Kahoot games, as well as quizzes and board games were held among volunteers - students of universities and the American Corner in an open-air co-working space as part of «Nights at the museum».
Everywhere in the departments and foyer of the library there are exhibitions:

- «Baspazoz - oydyn talmas kanaty» (periodicals department)
- «Kos kanatty pyragym» (reading room)
- «Kuzgі auyen» exhibition of paintings (department of art)
- «Tarihy teren – Aktobe» (department of local history)
- «Kuz - merekem, kuz – berekem» Installation (department of book storage)
- «Balalar alemine sayahat» (information and bibliographic department)
Singers and musicians of the Aktobe Regional House of Folk Art, students of musical and humanitarian colleges also came to congratulate their colleagues. Road Colldge Students, multidisciplinary, humanitarian, musical, and medical colleges were invited to participate in the events.

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