Zhyr Dariyasyna ainalgan akyn

January 25 Regional Universal Scientific Library named after S. Baisheva held a literary evening “Zhyr Dariyasyna ainalgan akyn”, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the poet, playwright, critic A. Tazhibaev.
The evening was attended by (ZOOM platform) librarian of the Kyzylorda Regional Universal Scientific Library. A. Tazhibaeva Aktay I., teacher at Kyzylorda University. Korkyt ata, candidate of art history, associate professor Iskakova G., singer of the Kyzylorda Regional Philharmonic, laureate of international competitions A. Imanzhapparov A., teacher of the Kazakh language and literature of the high school lyceum named after. K. Satpayeva, poetess Zhubaeva K., teacher of Kazakh language and literature, secondary school No. 64 named after U. Kulymbetova Sametova Zh.. Students of the 7th grade of secondary school No. 64 named after U. Kulymbetov, 10th grade students of the Lyceum of the secondary school named after K. Satpayev read the poet's poems. During the event, a book exhibition “Tolagai tulga tarlan” was organized and a bibliographic review was conducted.

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