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Brief description of the project:
The project "Memory of history – understanding the continuity of generations" was developed within the framework of the new program article of the First President "Seven facets of the Great Steppe", which is a continuation of the program "Rukhani Zhangyru", where projects are aimed at studying the Kazakh steppe and popularizing the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan and this article found a response in the field of culture. Love for the land, the Motherland is the knowledge of the historical past, historical figures, the preservation of the memory of generations, it is a respectful attitude to the land, to its present, to the desire of our state for stability. Aktobe Regional Universal Scientific Library named after S. Baishev provides a project-the creation of a photo album "Memory of history – understanding the continuity of generations" addressed to a wide range of readers in order to study the historical and cultural heritage of the region, study the past and present of our region, for the formation of patriotic personality qualities.
Project objective:
- formation of the foundations of patriotism;
- education of respect for history and monuments,
- education of showing interest in the life and exploits of outstanding historical figures.
Project Objectives:
- study of the past of our region;
- education of patriotism through local history knowledge about the history of the region;
- development of cognitive interest and love for the native land;
- promotion of the history of the region;
- strengthening of information activities;
- replenishment of the reference and bibliographic fund with local history information.
The means of implementing the project: digitized books, photographic documents, reference and bibliographic publications, memoirs, museum documents and conducting virtual excursions.
Project activity:
At this stage, the project is being created, preparation and writing of a historical reference on topics related to the historical events of our region, familiarization with the finished material. The project of creating a photo album with a historical reference is connected with the history of the region and is implemented on the basis of organizing an expedition to collect and further promote local history material.
Expedition plan:
- Departure to the districts of the Aktobe region from August 26 to 27, 2019
- from August 26 to 27, 2019, Alginsky district, Aktobe region: Bekkul baba, Yeset Kokiuly. Mugalzhar district: Kotibar batyr. Temir district: Kalmykkyrgan. Bayganinsky district: Sankibay bi, Yedige batyr, Doszhan Hazret, Karatau bi, Nurpeles Aulie.
- Zhamanshyn meteorite crater, Irgiz district from September 7 to 12, 2020. Shalkar district, Kazangap Kuishi. The grave of sarysholak Boranbayuly. Departure to the Wilsky district and the Kobdinsky district. Myrzan Adyr, Suleyman ata, Aliya bulagi, Koblandy batyr.
- In 2021, Martuk, Kargaly district, Karabutak village, Nurpeis Hazret mosque.
- In 2022, Aitekebiysky district, Khromtau district.
Project Participants
The initiative to participate in the Project comes directly from the Aktobe Regional Universal Scientific Library named after S. Baishev.
All residents of the region, famous people – experts in the history of the region and employees working in the field of the museum can take part in the project.
Project Justification
The project was developed within the framework of the "Rukhani Zhangyru" program and the program article of the First President "Seven facets of the Great Steppe" and is connected with spiritual, moral and patriotic education.
Project Partners
Library staff, readers and famous people of the city of Aktobe and the region interested in spreading the historical and cultural heritage of the region are involved in the implementation of the Project. Aktobe region is rich in historical and cultural monuments and the creation of a photo album will allow readers, residents and guests of the region to visit historical places and monuments.
Terms of implementation / stages of project development
The project implementation dates are from 20.08.2019. The project is long-term.
Project result: The project will result in the creation of electronic information local history case studies, their promotion to users in order to form an idea about the history and communal monuments of Aktobe and Aktobe region, as a region favorable for tourism, and will also allow users to get information without coming to the library. We expect to receive a reader's interest in books, a photo album and other materials, as well as a respectful attitude to the history of the region, an understanding of the importance of preserving historical memory for personal growth, and we hope to educate worthy citizens of our country. After all, the world is different now and knowledge about the history of the region, a sense of attachment to the Motherland, pain for its fate should form eternal values, such as kindness, nobility, honesty, respect for the elderly, protection of the weak and love for the Motherland, family.
The author of the project:
- Tleulesov Talgat Burkhanovich
- Salieva Aktoty Korganbaykyzy