Aktobe Regional
and Universal Scientific Library
named after S. Baishev
- A person who has memorized the words
of the wise, himself becomes wise.
Elephant in an orange beret
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The city art lyceum - UNESCO Club, together with the Regional Scientific Universal Library named after S. Baishev, within the framework of the KITAPFest 2024 festival, held a poetry evening and a master class on illustrations for poems by the poetess, artist and teacher of the lyceum Svetlana Valentinovna Rusanovskaya on the topic “Elephant in an orange beret " The purpose of the event is to develop imagination and creative skills in children by reading artistic and poetic literature, develop interest in fine arts and aesthetic taste, and cultivate love for the environment. During the evening, Svetlana Valentinovna introduced her creativity, read her poems and conducted a master class on drawing illustrations for children's works. At the end of the evening, guests were given a choice of 5 children's poems for which they had to create illustrations. The event featured an exhibition of creative works by lyceum students based on the poems of S.V. Rusanovskaya. The participants of the evening were students of the art lyceum, teachers and members of the “TALANT-light” interest club, and library readers.

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