Aktobe Regional
and Universal Scientific Library
named after S. Baishev
- A person who has memorized the words
of the wise, himself becomes wise.
Ult ұytkysy - Ұlttyk құryltai
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At the round table on the topic “Ult ұytkysy - Ұlttyk құryltai”, organized as part of the seminar, the following questions were discussed: “Adal adam - adal enbek - adal tabys” - ozyk әrі tabysty elge aynaludyn basty kіlti” - head of the department of political work of the Aktobe branch of the Amana party t" Sakhiev A.M., “Ozyk oily ult boludyn zholy – kitap oku” - head of the department of acquisition and processing of documents of the Irgiz Central Regional Library Kartanova A.Kh., “Ulttyn zhana kelbetin aikyndaytyn negyzgi kundylyktar” - librarian of the department of acquisition and processing documents of the Baiganinskaya central district library Zhaulybaeva Sh.Zh., issues of national values, the editor of the electronic catalog of the Uil Central District Library, Batyrgalieva Zh.E, spoke about the education of generations and the development of social consciousness raised at the National Kurultai in the report “Ulttyk Tarbie - Ulagat Kozi”. The exhibition “Ulttyk kuryltai: “Adal adam - adal enbek - adal tabys” was organized.

During the event, a training “Tulgany Damytu” was conducted for the participants of the seminar by a master, teacher of the Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanova Sara Gabitkyzy.

In the second part of the seminar, a workshop was held on the topic “Digital dauirdegi kitapkhana korlara: dаstүrli zhane elektrondyk resourcetar, zhinaktau, paidalanu.”

During the seminar, theoretical and practical classes were held on the topic: “Kіtap koryn tolyktyrudyn dаstүrli zhәne innovyalyk zholdary” - department of acquisition, processing of documents and organization of catalogues, department of information and bibliographic support: “Kitaphanadagy akparattyk - bibliography kyzmet: electronic catalogues” "Kurastyru zhүrgіzu adіsi" ,Department of Automation of Library Processes: “Kitaptardy digitallandyru kitapkhana zhumysynyn negyzgi bagyty.”

The event was attended by: employees of the department for replenishing the book collection of regional, city, district libraries, bibliographers and programmers (specialists involved in translating documents into digital format



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