“Kaisar minez Kakarmandar”

         On May 3, library staff together with the boarding school “Bilim-Innovation” held a historical hour on the topic: “Kaisar minez Kakarmandar”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Kazakh heroes of the Soviet Union M. Bukenbaev and the military leader, Khalyk Kakarmany S.K. Nurmagambetova. The event was held with the aim of perpetuating the names of legendary heroes in the memory of descendants and showing the inexhaustible heroism of our heroes and instilling a sense of patriotism in the younger generation.
Guests of the event: senior inspector of the department "Image work and internal communications" of the Aktobe Law Institute named after. M. Bukenbaeva Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, police major Nazarbayeva Aisana, department inspector, senior police lieutenant Beket A., history teacher at the Bilim-Innovation Lyceum, master of history Batyrgalieva A.G.
The guests, talking about the life path and heroic deeds of people who, fulfilling their duty to the Motherland, defended the well-being of our country, called on the younger generation to work hard, get an education, take a course in science and become heroes in peacetime.
During the event, a book exhibition “Tarikh betteri cheese shertedi” was organized, a bibliographic review was conducted by librarian Moldasheva. Lyceum students read poems by poets dedicated to Kazakhstani heroes.
Participants of the event: teachers and students of the boarding lyceum "Bіlim-Innovation", members of the national educational club "Elmura", library staff.

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